Siren To Wail, Inc.
Music With A Message


Our prayers and condolences are with the families of those who may have lost love ones in New York, Washington D.C. and Pittsburgh on that tragic day of September 11, 2001. That day will forever remain in our hearts and on our minds till the day we die. We also pray for our rescue workers and our health care professionals who have very diligently given tremendous amounts of their time and effort in helping many of those in need.

We who have Hepatitis C would very much be willing to donate blood. As we with Hepatitis C know, this is impossible. There are other ways you can help. Please call your local Red Cross.

We should be in pray for the wonderful country we live in as they take on the endeavors before them. We should also be united together brother to brother, sister to sister by supporting our country in this horrendous time of need.

God bless America, and God bless our Citizens.

Fly your flag high.

If you are in need of discussing your feelings about this event, please visit Friends of HEP C Support Group. The next meeting is October 4, 2001, at East Jefferson Hospital, in the Esplanade One Room. 7:00PM-9:00PM. For more information call in Metairie, LA 504-888-5565.

We thank you. God blesses you.

A message to those who have been diagnosed with Hepatitis C

If you have recently been diagnosed with Hepatitis C do not panic. I was diagnosed with Hepatitis C when I was pregnant. My son now six years old has been checked four times, he is still negative. Perhaps your story is not as extreme as mine,.but I have learned how to deal with my illness both physically and mentally. I would like to share some information that may be helpful to you.

1. Educate yourself on the disease. I do know that Barnes and Noble and Borders do carry a good selection of books on Hepatitis C that I do believe will be helpful to you. Another way to educate yourself is through the Internet. There are some wonderful web-sites with up to date information on Hepatitis C. Most importantly, you want to educate yourself for better understanding on which treatment option is best for you.

2. It is also important to find a good doctor. By this I mean, a doctor that is knowledgeable about your disease. A doctor that has answers to most of your questions. You also want a doctor who is compassionate.

3. Where to find emotional support? Seek out support groups. Ask your doctor if he knows of one, contact local hospitals, and look in your newspaper under self-help groups. It is so important to be around people who have Hepatitis C. You will probably leave your first support group meeting feeling very free and at ease. You will see people at support groups who are just like you. There are some that are at different emotional stages of the disease. You will meet people who cry. You will meet people who laugh. People who live. People who have accepted how their life has changed. Yes it is possible to live with Hepatitis C, create joy, happiness, and especially have fun. All of this is possible. Please share your Hepatitis C story with another Hepatitis C sufferer.

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